Pacific Rim fight
fight between Gypsy Danger and the Otachi Kaiju in Hong Kong is one of my
favourite big monster battles in a city as it utilises the city environment
really well with how the fight is choreographed and how the pilots and Kaiju
use the city to get advantages in the fight.
fight scene also really embodies the strength, size and power of both the Kaiju
and the Jager as you have so much to reference with the two such as Gypsy
danger dragging a ship in one hand which is then used to swing at the Kaiju as
an audience from that scene we can get an easy understanding of what the
Jager is able to do and what damage the Kaiju can take.
weight of all the items within the fight are all done really well and seem
realistic with cars being easily crushed under the feet of the two fighting or
when the boat is being dragged it cracks and breaks the road as it’s being
dragged across. Also the weight of both the Kaiju and the Jager are handled
really well both aren’t just walking around the city not causing destruction
every step taken by the Jager is destructive and damages the city crushing the
road, cars and other items under each step it takes. When both are also
throwing each other around and fighting it doesn’t seem effortless it seems
like energy and effort is being used by both the Kaiju and the Jager rather
than both effortlessly chucking each other around and damaging each other.
they are fighting in close quarters surrounded by skyscrapers and large
buildings it doesn’t feel as if they are just getting easily thrown through
them or that they don’t affect the buildings at all it feels balanced in such
that they do affect the buildings around them, but they aren’t easily going
through building after building levelling the city.
fact that the Jager is robotic and is made of metal and tech compared to the
Kaiju that is made of flesh and bone is done really well in the fight scene as
we see most of the damage being done to the Jager being important parts of the
Jager being damaged or crushed but with the Kaiju a lot of the damage is done by
slicing and ripping out the flesh of the Kaiju which the Kaiju cannot do to the
Jager as it is made of metal and tech. Basically the different styles of
fighting based on the what both the Jager and the Kaiju are made of seem to
have been taken into effect when creating this fight scene.
ending of the fight is done really well with the Kaiju seeming angry and brutal
at the way it has been damaged and it’s tail broken slamming the Jager into
buildings with malicious intent with the one purpose of flying as high as it
can and even with the Pilots killing the Jager it doesn’t seem like a win as
they fall back towards the ground thousands of feet in the air.
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